Company Secretarial services

How can we make your obligations as a ‘Limited Company’ easier?

Setting up and running a limited company involves undertaking a number of legal formalities.

Branston Adams provide a comprehensive range of company secretarial services to cover all your company requirements:

Company formations
A search at Companies House and, where required, on the internet, to check availability of names.
Company secretarial services
Providing a company secretarial service for our clients, including a registered office address. This is especially beneficial to companies who operate outside the UK, but it is also used by many UK based companies.
Changes in company structure
Handling of all the paperwork regarding Memorandum and Articles of Association, Directors, Company Secretary, shareholders and registered office.
Completion and submission of Annual Returns
We can complete and submit the necessary annual returns on your behalf.

For further information and advice on our company secretarial services, please contact our Farnham office today.

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